A herb company nestled between the Stellenbosch mountains with the perfect natural temperatures and humidity that compliments and enhance the best flavor and aroma for growing herbs.

This is where you’ll find the best quality herbs right through the year.  With humble beginnings Basil Williams and Caroline Williams started their business as a community initiative for job creation and skill development in their local surrounded communities.


Altogether 23 small business owners from Stellenbosch graduated from the Ranyaka Community Transformation Building Business (RBB) programme on Friday 3 December, for 2020/2021. The Most Potential for Growth Business was awarded to Basil Williams the Ceo of Herbal View Hydroponics.

Ranyaka Business Building Programme 2021The Most Potential for Growth Busines

The University of Stellenbosch Business School (USB) Small Business Academy (SBA) launched its third Development programme located in Stellenbosch in March 2021. Basil Williams from Herbal View Hydroponics in Kylemore was awarded the Top Student Award from the SBA for 2021.

University of StellenboschSmall Business Academy Awards 2021

Stellenbosch Entrepreneur of the Month (Sept 2021) was awarded to Basil Williams the CEO of Herbal View Hydroponics of Kylemore, Stellenbosch.

Stellenbosch NetworkInnovus

Sustainable Growth

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